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CEO Speaks

Dear Friends,

Wishing all of you a very happy new year 2017!!

As we step in to our 15th year, it gives me a great satisfaction, of the journey so far.

Last year, has been a big challenging one for us as a company, particularly the second half of the calendar. We had big cut in the numbers, for various constraints of our clients. I would like to thank the Chakrath for showing great discipline, patience and understanding. I am confident this experience will help us as we move with added vigour to our dream of “MAKING CHAKRATH  A 5000 EMPLOYEE COMPANY”.

Year 2017 has started with a good note for us. The two pillars of Chakrath namely Hershey’s and Nokia have reposed their support and confidence in us by adding big numbers to our existing and also adding new projects and new areas.

We are also working on acquiring new clients and I am confident that the coming years are going to open new avenues, of course with challenges, that will take Chakrath close to our dream of “5000”.

Once again, a BIG THANKS to all our clients, well- wishers and MY TEAM for your continuous support .

Let the lessons of past script our FUTURE!!!


Thanks a lot,

Best Wishes.

Mr. K Srinivasan

Managing Director

Chakrath Career Consultants Pvt Ltd
